Food in the News

FDA Recall: Outbreak Investigation of E. Coli O26 Linked to Aldi Baker’s Corner Flour, May 2019

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local partners, is investigating a multistate outbreak of

Recall: Do not eat, sell, or serve recalled Jennie-O brand ground turkey products.

On November 15, CDC has updated its notice of a Salmonella outbreak linked to raw turkey products with recall information for ground turkey that may be contaminated with Salmonella The updated information is at Outbreak of Multidrug-Resistant Salmonella Infections Linked to Raw Turkey Products

Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Ground Beef

CDC, public health and regulatory officials in several states, and the U.S.

FDA Removes 7 Synthetic Flavoring Substances from Food Additives List

The FDA is amending its food additive regulations in response to two food additive petitions, to no longer allow for the use of a total of 7 synthetic flavoring substances and flavor enhancers (adjuvants).

Outbreak of Salmonella Infections Linked to Ground Beef

The FDA is amending its food additive regulations in response to two food additive petitions, to no longer allow for the use of a total of 7 synthetic flavoring substances and flavor enhancers (adjuvants).

What foods are healthy? Do you know? Does anyone?

SodaAre you eating foods and drinking beverages that are likely to decrease your risk of illness and lengthen your life?  I'll bet you're not sure. Of course, you know that too much sugar (especially added sugar), salt, and fat (especially saturated fat) are not good for you. You know that a diet  long on plant food and short on food from animals is healthier than the reverse.

FDA Investigates Multistate Outbreak of Cyclospora Illnesses Likely Linked to Salads from Fast Food Chain

August 2, 2018 Update

As of August 2, 2018, a total of 395 laboratory-confirmed cases of 

Starbucks' Formidable Attack on Pollution

How do you eat an elephant?  The best response is: "One bite at a time." Another might be "Get started now."  When it comes to the dinosaur-sized problem of global pollution, Starbucks Coffee Company just took a giant step forward, weaponized with a goal.  On July 9, the company announced, that, by 2020, it would no longer serve plastic straws with its drinks.  What's wrong with plastic straws?  They pollute the oceans with debris that survives for hundreds of


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